Huge Ubuntu News from IBM Lotus

Strongback Consulting

IBM Announced in the opening session of Lotusphere today that they will begin supporting Lotus Notes on Ubuntu Linux. The...

Top HATS tricks you can’t live without (pun intended)

Strongback Consulting

For those who have just discovered HATS and are getting started with it, I thought I’d share some tips. These...

Faking out a field exit (redux)

Strongback Consulting

This is a post I had made on the HATS newsgroups a couple of years ago. I’ve had to go...

IBM Lets us all hear the Jazz!

Strongback Consulting

Great news from IBM. They are opening up the site to all, whereas it was only available to IBMers...

Remember the Milk ROCKS!

Strongback Consulting

I’ve just set up an account with Remember The Milk. This is a free web site that helps you organize...

HATS Announced

Strongback Consulting

And you just updated to Yep, another fixpack. No new features, but a long list of bug fixes, most...

RAD 7.5 open beta

Strongback Consulting

I got an email this week from IBM letting me know that IBM is hosting an open beta for Rational...

Update: Portlet Factory 6.0.2

Strongback Consulting

I missed this update from IBM last month, but anyone using Portlet factory can and should update to this fix...

My Firefox Plugins

Strongback Consulting

I was recently asked what Firefox plugins I use. Here is my list: AdBlock Plus – Block embedded HTML which...

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Strongback Consulting