Pimp my z10 – the ultimate gaming rig

Strongback Consulting

Ever seen pictures of these home computers decked out with LEDs and plexiglass? Well, I have all the pc gamers...

Domino 8.5 Beta 1 available now

Strongback Consulting

As Ed Brill pointed out on his blog. the beta 1 of Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5 is now available....

Good upcoming webcast: WAS and Jython

Strongback Consulting

Have you ever wanted to deploy an application with certain parameters without having to click through all the web pages...

The price and size of storage

Strongback Consulting

I got a spam email from NewEgg the other day offering a 2GB SD card for under $10. It really...

Blackberry Lust

Strongback Consulting

Figures… I buy my Curve (and had to pay full price since I;m a year away from my renewal), and...

Goodbye 1998. Hello 2008

Strongback Consulting

I got my Blackberry Curve yesterday, and spent much time last night playing around with it. I finally feel like...

Can’t wait – the Curve comes to Verizon

Strongback Consulting

Ever since going out on my own and starting my own business, I’ve been on the Palm Treo, with the...

Generating Atom feeds for Mainframes

Strongback Consulting

Very cool article on developerworks. Its HATS related, of course. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-atommainframe/?S_TACT=105AGX01&S_CMP=HP ©2016 Strongback Consulting

IBM Federal Contract Eligibility Reinstated

Strongback Consulting

Fortunately for IBM…..http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/23814.wss I can hear a collective ‘whhheeewww’…. ©2016 Strongback Consulting

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