IBM suspended from federal contracts…. WHHAATT?!?!?!?!

Strongback Consulting

I saw this on Slashdot and nearly fell out of my chair. This is HUGE. For IBM, this is a...

WebSphere ….er…Rational HATS 7.1 to launch tomorrow

Strongback Consulting

You heard it right kiddos. HATS version 7.1 should be officially released tomorrow. The official release announcement will be here....

Lotus Notes 8 – What’s Up.

Strongback Consulting

IBM is doing very well with their YouTube marketing. This video shows the latest features of Lotus Notes/Domino version 8,...

WAS Next for WebSphere 7

Strongback Consulting

The question still remains for IBM: When is WebSphere App Server 7 coming out? The response is still the same:...

V6R1 for System i Released

Strongback Consulting

This is probably old news for some of you, but I just caught it. I think this was announced on...

Friday Fun

Strongback Consulting

Those who know me, know I play harmonica and guitar (more harmonica since it travels a bit easier). My niece...

Why don’t smaller companies version their software?

Strongback Consulting

This befuddles me. Over the past couple of years I have run across so many companies that do custom development...

Quick tip for WPF SQL Call builder

Strongback Consulting

When using the SQL call builder in WebSphere Portlet Factory, you can either enter the SQL directly into the SQL...

Notes Domino 8.01 announcement

Strongback Consulting

Looks like tomorrow (Feb 20th) is going to be a busy day for Passport Advantage and Partnerworld download sites.

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