Making IBM Rational HATS A Strategic Investment

Strongback Consulting

Here is another presentation we did a the IBM Innovate conference in June 2014. Using HATS to create web services...

13 steps you need to take to improve your web site performance

Strongback Consulting

Consolidate your CSS There is no reason to have more than 3 stylesheets in your application (with a few notable...

Fighting spam and hackers with FIRE(walls): How to reduce contact form SPAM.

Strongback Consulting

We’ve been having a hell of a time with Salesforce contact form spam as of late. Its been littered with...

IBM Innovate 2014: How to become a Rational Developer for IBM i Power User

Strongback Consulting

Moving from SEU/PDM to Rational Developer for i? This month we presented at the annual IBM Innovate Conference in Orlando...

The Caffeinated Mainframer: Using Java on IBM z/OS to build enterprise Java apps

Strongback Consulting

At last year’s IBM Innovate Conference (formerly the Rational Software Developer’s Conference), we presented this deck about using Java on...

CFO’s: Do you bear criminal negligence in not updating your developer workstations?

Strongback Consulting

Why is your company dragging its feet to update the corporate desktops or laptops? If you are a CFO, or...

Using rectangle selection style in Rational Developer for System z

Strongback Consulting

I came across this almost by accident when teaching RDz to a customer recently. He wanted to know if RDz...

Innovate 2013: Software Archaeology on the Mainframe with IBM Rational Tools

Strongback Consulting

Another posting of ours from this past year’s IBM Innovate Conference, and mentioned on the Mainframe Insights blog. Software Archaeology with...

New JES features in Rational Developer for System z 9.0.1

Strongback Consulting

Job Entry System The JES now shows the return code of completed jobs. This saves you significant time in tracking...

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Strongback Consulting