Writing User Stories within IBM Rational Team Concert

Strongback Consulting

First Rule: Write Good User Stories If you are just getting started with writing user stories, I highly recommend Mike...

Lessons in how NOT to implement IBM DevOps tools (Antipatterns)

Strongback Consulting

This week we presented at the IBM InterConnect conference in Vegas. This was information compiled from multiple customer engagements over...

What does it mean to “Shift Left”?

Strongback Consulting

If you are at IBM InterConnect, you’ll frequently hear the phrase “shift left”. Its meaning may go over your head...

Our sessions at IBM InterConnect 2016

Strongback Consulting

For those of you going to IBM InterConnect next week, we will be presenting the following sessions.  Session Schedule Number...

Anti-pattern: Using the IBM Rational Jazz Tools in Place of a Help Desk Suite

Strongback Consulting

A common anti-pattern for the Jazz tools (RTC, RQM, and DNG) is using them in place of a true help...

How to Install IBM DevOps tools with IBM Packaging Utility and Installation Manager

Strongback Consulting

IBM has an extensive catalog of desktop products, especially for application and database development. Some of those tools offer features...

Unpacking IBM Software from Passport Advantage the easy way

Strongback Consulting

Some of the IBM software can include multiple multi-gigabyte files, all of which are required for installation. IBM Rational Application...

Using JUnit to unit test IBM Rational HATS applications

Strongback Consulting

Why unit testing? Any developer worth their salt, uses unit tests to validate that their code satisfies the task or...

Strongback Presentations at IBM InterConnect 2015

Strongback Consulting

Strongback will be hosting two presentations this year. These are in the DevOps tracks, and in the Mandalay Bay side...

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Strongback Consulting