Collaborative lifecycle management introduction series

Strongback Consulting

For those that missed last Wednesday’s webinar, we are providing it here on the blog below. This coming Wednesday, June...

What every System i Developer Needs to Know (IBM Innovate 2011)

Strongback Consulting

This was our presentation last week at the IBM Innovate conference. In this we talk about the recent advances in...

Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabiltiy in WebSphere App Server and

Strongback Consulting

If you are running WAS 7, be sure and check your fix packs today. We recommend you patch them to...

IBM Innovate – Enterprise Modernization Keynote

Strongback Consulting

For those that are looking for strategies to modernize your legacy systems, this keynote sums up the strategies available rather...

Themes at IBMInnovate: Methodologies

Strongback Consulting

So we are ready to embark on day 3 of the conference and several themes are emerging. Some are the...

A Newbie’s Guide to attending IBM Innovate

Strongback Consulting

In preparation for the IBM Innovate conference starting this June, I’ve put together some helpful advice to newcomers who’ve not...

Cathy the PM meets Ted the Developer

Strongback Consulting

Just saw this on Facebook, and thought I would share. Maybe I’m corny, but I like this. Speaking of POWER...

Announcing the next version of LotusLive!

Strongback Consulting

IBM is announcing the latest version of LotusLive services. These services are scheduled to go live the weekend of May...

What to do when ANT SCP task hangs unexpectedly & automating Javadoc

Strongback Consulting

I had this issue with a project earlier within an ANT build script I have for Team Concert. In this...

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Strongback Consulting