Rational CLM 4.0 is released! So what does it do?

Strongback Consulting

As promised from the IBM Innovate conference last week, the Rational Solution for CLM 4.0 is now live. There are...

Creating an ANT file from an existing Java project

Strongback Consulting

Sometimes we need to more tightly control the build process within our projects. When using Eclipse or Rational Application Developer,...

Diagnosing potential Linux drive failures

Strongback Consulting

While working on server today I came across some odd issues in some applications. While checking the logs, I found...

Using IBM Passport Advantage, a helpful guide for newbies

Strongback Consulting

If you are a new IBM Software customer, you will find that you obtain your software via download from the...

Sharepoint vs. IBM Connections

Strongback Consulting

I get this often, that Sharepoint does more than “Notes”. Well, no kidding, its like comparing a car to a...

Are your Java devs killing your business with data type issues?

Strongback Consulting

So you thought you would outsource your Java development overseas and save a buck or two? Now you find out...

Getting better tracing and debugging for Rational HATS macros.

Strongback Consulting

Question: How can I tell what is happening in my macro when it runs on the server? Sometimes, when working...

AIX COBOL Overview with Rational Developer for Power

Strongback Consulting

For an environment long thought a dead end, IBM has revitalized the platform with its new COBOL tools for AIX...

Increasing the JVM heap for RSA, RAD, and other Rational or Eclipse products

Strongback Consulting

I ran into an issue this past week where several times my Eclipse workspace ran into out of memory errors....

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