WebSphere 7 Due in September!

Strongback Consulting

So its already in Beta, and can be downloaded with Rational Application Developer 7.5 public beta. I’m previewing it now to check out the features and to see how it compares to my previous list of ‘must haves’. When I was talking with the devs at RSDC, they said that it should go gold in September (but not to quote them…..which I just did). Also, thanks to Davanum Srinivas for pointing us to the direct link for the WAS 7 open beta.

I snapped a picture of their schedule chart, but its a bit too blurry to see it for certain.

So these two pieces of software will be what really gets EJB 3.0 into the enterprise space. Too many shops are still using JDK 1.4, and nearly everyone has abandoned EJB 2.1 for more agile POJO based frameworks such as Spring and Google Guice. I am going to venture that EJB 3.0 will only have a marginal growth at best. However, for those IT shops that need distributed, secure, scalability, then the JPA and EJB 3.0 may be your future ticket. RAD 7.5 has some nice Wizards for doing EJB 3.0. I’ve only started playing with, but I like what I see.

Something else coming out of the WAS family, is a rebranding of WebSphere XD. It is getting split into three versions itself. One will be called Compute Grid for distributed grid computing. The second one will be WebSphere eXtreme Scale which will provide high end caching and transaction partitioning capabilities. This product used to be the Object Grid. Another will be called Virtual Enterprise which can be used to manage multiple Deployment Managers, and multiple products (WAS CE, Geronimo, JBoss, Apache Tomcat, WebLogic, even PHP servers). The latter product will be an all encompassing version to manage dynamic workloads, advanced health monitoring, application provisioning, move applications dynamically from one cluster to another, to dynamically role out updates across the grid, and much much more. The theme of this sounds familiar. I believe the refrain goes like this: One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them. Queue the evil laugh now. There is a wiki available for it and contains a ton of info for the products.

3 Responses to “WebSphere 7 Due in September!

  • you’re slightly misinformed about the new names for the product formerly known as “WebSphere XD”. The product has been decomposed into 3 products:

    – WebSphere Virtual Enterprise, formerly known as WebSphere XD Operations Optimization

    – WebSphere eXtreme Scale (not small e, big X :), formerly known as WebSphere XD Data Grid

    – And the only component to retain the “XD” name (for now) is WebSphere XD Compute Grid, which is really a java-based batch processing infrastructure.

    You incorrectly listed WebSphere XD Compute Grid as “Compute Grid for distributed grid computing”.

    You can learn more about this technology at: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/techjournal/0804_antani/0804_antani.html


  • argh…first I misspell my last name, then my link doesn’t post. Let’s try this again: WebSphere XD Compute Grid

  • Randy Schnier
    17 years ago

    Hi, actually full EJB 3.0 and JPA support is available for WAS 6.1 as well, it became generally available last November 30 with the release of the EJB 3.0 feature pack for WebSphere Application Server 6.1. It’s a free download for any current licensed user of WAS 6.1, and is fully supported for production use. The EJB 3.0 and JPA functions in the feature pack have passed the corresponding CTS test suites for EJB 3.0 and JPA.

    The feature pack download site is at http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=177&uid=swg21287579

    (If the above URL doesn’t post in this blog, just use “websphere 6.1 ejb 3.0 feature pack” in your favorite search engine and it will show up near the top of the list, under the heading “IBM – Utility: Feature Pack for EJB 3.0 for WebSphere Application Server v6.1”.)


Strongback Consulting