Sametime 8 announced

Sametime 8 announced

Ed Brill did a pre-announcement of Lotus Sametime version 8 on his blog. While I have not seen the product...

Fedora 8 Released

Fedora 8 Released

Fedora Linux 8 was released last week, and I’ve been playing with it since then. Fedora is an ever increasingly...

Upgrading to Lotus Notes 8? You may want to wait.

Upgrading to Lotus Notes 8? You may want to wait.

A word of note. As I have found out by recent experience, upgrading users via SmartUpgrade has some issues. If...

A batch file for stopping Trend Micro AV

A batch file for stopping Trend Micro AV

This is a handy file for stopping and ending Trend’s real time scanning. @echo offecho Stopping Trend Micro Real Time...

Domino 8 on System i: Some notes…

Domino 8 on System i: Some notes…

I recently upgraded a customer from Domino 7 to Domino 8 on the iSeries (a.k.a i5, System i, AS/400… or...

Websphere Portal 6.1 beta announced

Websphere Portal 6.1 beta announced

I’m a little late in posting this, but IBM is beta testing a new version of Portal. Log in to...

Ubuntu 7.10 Released Today

Ubuntu 7.10 Released Today

The most popular Linux distribution released their latest version today. Ubuntu 7.10 “Gutsy Gibbon” is now gold and readily available...

So long Vista… thanks for the view

So long Vista… thanks for the view

I have now ditched Microsoft Vista on my T61 laptop. Actually, I have simply put a fresh hard drive in,...

Notes 8 Released

Notes 8 Released

IBM has now launched a triumverate of new products. Lotus Notes/Domino 8 (aka Hannover), Quickr, and Connections. Ed Brill posted...

WebSphere Portlet Factory and Software Architect 7

WebSphere Portlet Factory and Software Architect 7

I’ve recently done a project involving WebSphere Dashboard Framework. Version 6.0 of the product states that it supports Rational Application...

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