Posts by Kenny Smith

Transforming HATS inhibited input screens

Transforming HATS inhibited input screens

This is one I’ve been meaning to post for sometime, but always forget. Let’s say you have a HATS screen...

Beta no more

Beta no more

The ruler of the known universe, Google, has announced that they are taking the Beta label off of Gmail after...

Rational Team Concert 2.0 Released

Rational Team Concert 2.0 Released

The Jazz team has released RTC 2.0. I’ve just updated my server and migrated the database repository. Here is an...

IBM Dropping support for Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook (DAMO)

IBM Dropping support for Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook (DAMO)

Ed Brill noted today that IBM has chosen to drop plans for future support of DAMO from the Lotus Domino...

Getting started with version control and Jazz

Getting started with version control and Jazz

If your organization has no real version control system or your idea of version control is making a copy of...

Another post on HATS and CSS

Another post on HATS and CSS

I am posting one of my presentations from my HATS curriculum online from While I won’t post my entire...

Understanding Rational HATS style sheets

Understanding Rational HATS style sheets

For many who are just getting started with Rational HATS, understanding the widgets and components are the easy part. They...

UPDATE: My presentation at the Rational Conference

UPDATE: My presentation at the Rational Conference

As I blogged earlier, I have am giving a presentation at this year’s Rational conference in Orlando. Due to some...

WebSphere App Server and Struts2 don’t mix

WebSphere App Server and Struts2 don’t mix

As I have recently found out by the school of hard knocks, these two do not mix when Java EE...

Security Certificate expiration in Lotus Domino on May 18th 2009

Security Certificate expiration in Lotus Domino on May 18th 2009

What is happeningThe certificate for some Java applets in Lotus Domino 6.5.x, Domino 7.0.x, Domino 8.0.x, and Domino 8.5 have...

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